Thursday, October 16, 2008

Would anyone really want to be President of the United States of America?

Our economy is lying on the sidewalk bleeding, we've gotten a whole smattering of our good international buddies involved in our morass, we've got a frightening about of national debt going on, and the U. S. dollar has lost even more value versus the Euro and Pound. We're not on the best of terms with Russia. We have a schadenfreud relationship with China (they own our debt, and a lot of our heavy industry has been outsourced there). You personally get blamed for every "bad" thing blamed on Americans. Some paparazzo is hiding in the bushes to take pictures of you every time you scratch your butt! I can't imagine how a President can sleep at night or escape chronic ulcers!
What's sad is that the two major parties have grown so similar in their political machinations, that recent Presidential elections seemed for the most part to be a pit fight between two unexciting fellows whose names the bulk of Americans will not remember in 5 years. The thing that we the people need most from whoever "wins" the election is someone who can work with Congress to fix the mess that we're in. From what I've heard, both gentleman seem keen to do this. But do they really know what other wonderful prizes they've won?
Maybe Harry Truman said it best- "My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference."

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