Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Autumn!

Autumn has finally arrived! This means that as the nights grow cooler, the fog of mosquitoes that takes over my yard from late June or early July finally starts dying off! I can finally enjoy my yard again instead of slapping at bloodsuckers every thirty seconds!
Autumn usually ushers in the milder weather that I like so much. However, in recent years, the milder weather seems to last for all of two weeks before it becomes cold enough to require use of the heater. Maybe I'll be lucky this year and I won't have to turn on the heater until Thanksgiving.
Autumn is also special to me because it is the season of Halloween, the season in which I married my studly husband, the season of half of the birthday celebrations in my family, and the season for hot apple cider! Because I am not spending large amounts of time dwelling on how oppressively hot summer is, I am inspired to revisit my pool of creativity. Creative expression is like an adventure for me- I never know where it will take me, but a large amount of the joy stems from the journey itself.